Ata Hopes For Imminent Regumate Resolution

Cups Betting Racing News

The Australian Trainers Association hopes its members will have a definitive answer on the use of Regumate after an upcoming board meeting.

The Regumate issue again came into focus on Sunday after hit out following the scratching on Pedrena at when she acted up at the barriers, with the trainer saying it needed to be reintroduced to help with behavioural issues.

Regumate is used to control the cycles of mares in season but contains an ingredient, , that has been found to contain traceable levels of the banned steroids trenbolone and trendione.

introduced a local rule to deal with “inconsequential” levels of the substances while other Australian states instead said the injectable product Progesterone should be used.

ATA chief executive Andrew Nicholl hopes there will be a resolution following the RA board meeting on December 6.

Nichol said RA had called for submissions in early October which came from a number of third parties including the ATA.

He said those submissions had been considered by RA and the next part of the process was appointing an independent panel.

“The level of frustration with the participants is in simmer mode at the moment and I guess we’re hopeful that it doesn’t boil over,” Nicholl told RSN927.

“It’s not only a Victorian problem but a national problem.

“We’ve got a situation here where its been under review by the regulators for six months.

“We understand it’s a complex matter. We understand it’s a matter that’s not just an Australian matter, it is a global issue.

“But six months is a long time and I guess when it’s impacting your stable and your people and potentially the horses that are racing you can understand the people at the coalface saying ‘guys come on, lets get this thing resolved’.”

Nicholl said as a member of the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities he could understand why RA has trod carefully.

He said the ATA would like to see Altrenogest products allowed to be used in Australia.

“There is an answer in between what Racing NSW has done and what Racing Australia is now endeavouring to do,” Nicholl said.

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